Monday, November 2, 2009

Digital Footprint...

To me what we post is included in my digital footprint. Like what we write to people is included. Whether its instant messaging, emailing, or blogging. Also the pictures we put on the internet can impact the digital footprint. The stuff goes somewhere and can be stored for awhile. I think it would be okay if we started using our own picture and name right now. We are old enough and have been doing this long enough. We should be able to teach ourselves about internet savvy. We are into technology at this is and it wouldn't be hard for us to understand and learn about it. Although i do believe it is helpful our teachers talk to us about it and show us movies on internet savvy. I use the internet a lot! I go on facebook, myspace, and other websites for school. For most of this i use pictures of me and my friends at houses or events. I post stuff about me telling people what i'm like. Also i use my real name! If you wanted to you could find me on google, school website, facebook, myspace, and